Thursday, August 23, 2007

God's Goodness

Is God good?

Absolutely! I believe that without a shadow of a doubt. But how can you prove the goodness of God? I am not certain that we can prove God's goodness, especially to those whom have never experienced it because of their lack of faith. The best we can probably do is to testify of how God has been good to us personally.

I had the joy of experiencing God's goodness this very morning! I came into my office and after get things organized, I began to pray. Especially on my mind and in my prayers was the evenagelistic outreach our church has been planning for next month. There is only one problem, our church finances are very tight right now. What do finances have to do with outreach? Well, I figre that to have an effective outreach we really ought to spend some money for some nice brochures and or door hangers, but that was out of the question since our finances are so tight.

This was the topic of my prayer this morning,"God can you somehow make it possible that we could invest in the literature necessary for this evangelistic outreach."

After I had finished praying I for some unexplained reason got the urge to fool around with the two extra computer printers that have been sitting in my office since I got here. I not done anything with them for close to a year, but for some reason today I said to myself, "Either I'm going to get these things working, or I'm getting rid of them! I'm tired of them sitting here collecting dust." So, as I said I began working on them, but I soon ran into a snag. One of the printers was missing its power cord.

I suspected that the missing power cord was around here somewhere. So I began going through the desk drawers and filing cabinets in the pastor's and church offices. As I was doing so, I found a box and as I opened it guess what I discovered. The box was full of doorhangers and matching tracts, just what I needed for our evangelistic outreach. There were 200 hundred of them. Apparently, one of our former pastors had ordered them, never used them, and had just left them sitting in the original box in the office. But even though the materials were from a few pastors ago, they were still in prisitne shape since they were still in their original packaging. What a blessing to have God answer my prayer so completely... and so quickly!

And what is coolest of all is that just last night during our midweek service we were talking about the power of prayer! Now, isn't God good!

Oh... just in case you are wondering I did find the power cord to the printer and did get it working. So, I have been doubly blessed today!

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